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About Camille Plews

Your business mentor from the North East of England, UK, on a huge mission to change the lives of thousands of women across the world, so that they can live an extraordinary life instead of being stuck in a job they don't like, spending precious time away from their family.
Life's too short for that!

Over 12,000 courses sold worldwide...

I'm so grateful to have helped over 12,000 people (mostly women) globally within the last 5 years through my courses and programs... 

Incredible women who've then gone on to spread their message, grow businesses and help others in the world.

In the last 4 years, many women who've joined my signature 6 month business accelerator; Client Attraction Sales Accelerator (CASA) have replaced their income (and more!), quit their jobs, retired partners and are now living the life they truly deserve.

... so can you!

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My career journey...

I don't want to bore you with "all about me", so I'll keep it brief to give you an overview of my journey and background...

I quickly worked my way up the corporate ladder in sales & marketing within the travel, finance and recruitment industries in the UK.

Despite having won many sales awards and being great at my job, I knew that the corporate world wasn't for me.

I couldn't quite put my finger on it but something didn't "sit right", then when I became a Mum, I knew I needed to leave the corporate world and have more freedom & flexibility.

Leaving one kid screaming in daycare each day was bad enough, there was no way I was going to leave 2.


The "side hustle"

Whilst still working in my corporate job, I started a "side hustle", buying clothing from wholesalers across the UK and overseas. I set up my Shopify store and shops on both eBay & Amazon. It was surprising how quickly it took off; it was a great side hustle and paid for a 3 week holiday
to DisneyWorld.

Within a few months of starting this "side hustle", I became pregnant with my second child.

I decided to go all-in. I knew I only needed to replace my income and then I wouldn't need to go back after maternity leave; so I took the plunge and have never looked back.


A bump in the road...

My first online business looked very different to how it does now; I had online boutiques; e-commerce and drop-shipping.

This business grew rapidly.

Within months, I moved out of our garage and into a large 1000 sq ft warehouse to house my stock.

Although the business turnover was amazing and I made a great income. I was miserable; I didn't like the life I'd created for myself; I didn't feel fulfilled, not to mention being stuck in a cold, dark warehouse for 8hrs a day with lots of spiders; this wasn't for me.

... and yet again, I was spending more and more time away from the kids!

I knew there was another way.

Things had to change!

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Now, 5 years after starting again...

My business is growing leaps and bounds; not just monetary-wise, but I have so much time freedom & flexibility whilst also having a multi-6-figure business.

I've added in multiple revenue streams and support hundreds of women from all over the world every year with their business growth journey so they can live a life of freedom too.

I spend every day with my kids; I take them to school & pick them up and am a fully present Mum. I get to travel a lot with my family; we're away for most of the school holidays. In term time, I work between 16-20 hrs a week; when the kids are at school.

I'm grateful to have been featured in major media outlets such as The Sun, Fabulous Magazine, The Daily Star, Management Today, Thrive Global & more, as well as appearing as a guest expert on multiple major podcasts & social media livestreams.

My own podcast; The Fast Messy Action Podcast with Camille Plews reached the number 1 spot in marketing across Europe in 2023 too!

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Why does this matter?

If I can do this, so can you!

I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth; I grew up in a working class family in a small village in the North East of England.

No-one else in my family has their own business. I've done this alone whilst raising 2 young kids.

One child (my son Freddie) was constantly ill until he was 4,

My husband worked away too most of the time when my kids were young, but I didn't let the lack of childcare stop me.

I simply decided how I want my life to look and made it happen.

You get to decide! 

By delaying or "waiting until the right time (BTW there's no such time), you're only delaying your dream life for longer.


What to do...

Do you continue with things the way they are; working in a job that's OK, it pays the bills, not spending enough time with family, letting life pass you by?


Do you want to live life on your terms, to spend more time with your family, doing the things you love?

There are others out there with less knowledge than you who are doing this and making a great life for themselves. You can too!

It's a decision that YOU get to make.


What clients are saying

"Replaced investment within weeks & quit job"

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"Retired husband & now growing dream business together"

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"Over £10k month in first launch of new online offer "

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Ready to Jump In?

Let me help you on this incredible life-changing journey!